I am an Army Veteran; retired with 24 years of service. I spend my time painting and volunteering supporting Veterans and the unhoused. I have a bachelor’s degree in fine arts with a concentration is painting from the University of Texas at San Antonio. I have been painting since High School and my earliest memories are of me wanting to be an artist.
I currently have my studio in Pipe Creek, Texas. I am an animal lover in general and dogs in particular, an adventurer, a reader, a lover of kayaking, nature, architecture, old forts, books stores, side roads, and curiosity shops. Not necessarily in that order.
My current works are the beginnings of a new path I have begun down in the context of my art.I am fascinated with colors and implied transparency and how both can be used to render an image that is recognizable despite being made up of fragmented colors and shapes. My intent is to use simple shapes and symbols to create contemporary works of art that are accessible, relatable, and comprehensible.