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Anna Gordy is a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), but she views her vocation as “co-creator”.  She believes that we each are called to participate in the repairing of the world and for her, that is most clearly manifested in her roles as artist, pastor, mother, and spouse.


She loves art in all its forms from folk-craft to fine art and is working diligently to discover her voice as an artist who blends the two traditions.  


Anna holds a BA in theology from Texas Lutheran University in Seguin, TX, where she also studied painting, and an MDiv from Luther Seminary in St.Paul, MN, where she began groundbreaking work in community liturgical art.  


Her work is seasonally exhibited at Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN; Abiding Presence Lutheran Church, San Antonio, TX; Christ Lutheran Church, Prattville, AL; and Oaks Indian Mission/Eben Ezer Lutheran Church, Oaks, OK, and is on permanent display at Edmonds Lutheran Church, Edmonds, WA.  Her year long body of work “Quilting the Lectionary” was exhibited at the 2016 Southeastern Synod Assembly of the ELCA.

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