Patricia Golden Cody uses her knowledge of lighting, color, composition and visual impact to bring her Art to life. The last five years have brought her acclaim, grateful clients and many new friends in and out of the San Antonio Art Community. Her work has found homes in New Jersey, Wisconsin, Virginia, Florida and all over Texas.
Patricia lets herself be led by something that she’s seen or maybe a feeling she’s experiencing. Several times along the way to completion of a painting she’ll stop and think she’s done. Then she’ll turn back and add or change some element until she feels it’s right. She wants her paintings to inspire people’s emotions, to bring them joy.
Patricia is very involved with Bihl House Arts, and has participated in “On and Off Fred Tour”, which runs every year in February. She has also participated in the “Borne Art Waddle” and also the “Arts Heals Hearts” exhibit at The Ecumenical Center.